Why You Should Start Doing Classroom Walkthroughs at Your School

27 January 2020
 Categories: Education & Development, Blog


The concept of classroom walkthroughs is growing in popularity at schools across the country. This is a way for school administrators to keep an eye on what's going on throughout the entirety of their school while also checking in on the teaching habits and performance being demonstrated by your teachers. While just about anyone can do a classroom walkthrough, only a seasoned professional is going to know what to look for and how to give advice that can immediately impact your school district. Here's why you might want to consider bringing in someone to do regular classroom walkthroughs for your school district.

A 5-Minute Spot Check Can Tell You a Lot Without Getting in the Way

Five minutes is just enough time to get a feel for the overall vibe of a classroom. Are all of the students paying attention or were there kids passing notes or otherwise goofing off? You might occasionally be able to catch some interaction between a teacher and a student, but otherwise, five minutes is also enough time to get a feel for how the teacher presents to the class. 

It should also be noted, however, that five minutes is not so long that it will make your teachers feel like they are being constantly monitored. Students can also sometimes pick up on the fact that an administrator is spending an awful lot of time in someone's classroom and that could have a negative impact as to how they view the teacher. But with a five-minute spot check, the teacher and the students can both just go about their lesson plan or day like they usually would.

Get a Feel for the Overall Culture of the School

There will be some teachers that are better or more experienced than others. But start doing spot checks throughout the school and you might start to see a pattern or two develop. If there are school-wide problems that need to be addressed, classroom walkthroughs could help you discover the issue early on and implement solutions that will help all teachers improve.

Why an Outside Solution is Key

You could technically have an administrator do a classroom walkthrough but there are reasons why you might want some outside help. Your principal and other top admins probably already have enough on their plate as it is. Lower-ranking administrators might not be educated enough on how to give feedback in situations like this. Your students might also be more likely to change their behavior if they know the principal is watching, but with an outsider looking on, it won't seem like that big of a deal.

Reach out to a firm that provides classroom walkthroughs today for more information