Your New Baby's First Time At Daycare: A Guide For New Moms

3 February 2020
 Categories: Education & Development, Blog


One of the hardest things for a new mom is the day when they go back to work, putting their new baby in daycare for the first time. You might experience separation anxiety and worry about your baby while you are away from them. There are some things you can do to make the separation easier for you and less challenging for your infant. 

1. Get on a feeding schedule, including pumping, before daycare begins.

If you are breastfeeding, leaving your baby alone for the workday can be one of the most challenging aspects of placing your baby in daycare. To make it easier, try to get on a dependable feeding schedule beforehand so that you can leave enough bottles for your baby to be happy all day. This way, you'll be used to pumping milk, which will make pumping milk at work much easier and quicker for you. You can also leave specific, timed instructions with care providers about what time of day your baby usually gets hungry. 

2. Bring a photo of your baby to keep with you at work.

You might miss the company and calming presence of your infant while you are gone for so long. Bring a picture of your baby and keep videos of them on your phone for you to look at while you are working. This way, you can connect to your baby. You can also request a video feed with your baby so you can talk to them during breaks. 

3. Choose a daycare close by so that you can visit your baby during your lunch break.

If possible, try and find a daycare that is quite close to your workplace. This way, during the lunch hour you can come to the daycare and feed your baby. You can play with them or cuddle them while they sleep, giving you both the needed connection time before you head back to work to finish the day. 

4. Send things from home that will comfort your baby. 

Finally, new babies miss their moms. To make your baby feel comforted without you there, send things from home that will calm your baby. This might be a blanket that smells like you, a small stuffed animal, or even a musical toy that plays soothing tunes. You know your baby better than anyone, and you will be able to tell daycare workers what techniques are best for calming your baby.